Weight Loss For Women Over 30
Tired? That's how you win the need to snack
Many of the men and women around us try to change their eating habits and lose weight, concentrating only on what they eat - whether the food they consume is healthy or not, and how high it is in calories. However, it is essential to understand how much sleep has a significant role in our eating patterns, and therefore also on weight. In the following guide, we will describe the relationship between sleep, eat, and body weight.
The Last Supper: Recommendations for eating before bedtime
First, to remember that eating in the hours of falling asleep has a decisive effect on the quality of our sleep. The digestive process is a complex operation that requires significant effort and involvement of many systems in the body, and therefore it does not allow the body to enter a state of real rest.
Here are the recommendations for the last meal of the day, which will affect a better sleep:
1. Eat the last feed two or three hours before bedtime, so as not to burden the body during the process of falling asleep.
2. It is recommended that the last meal not contain foods that are heavy for digestion, such as meat, for example, because of the long time required for digestion and may lead to further digestion during sleep - a condition that will harm the entry of the body to rest.
3. The last meal should not be too large, because at the end of the day we are less active, and the body does not need a lot of energy, and the excess energy it will not use can become fat stores.
What is recommended to eat at the end of the day?
1. Protein foods are easy to digest: recommended that the last meal contain easily digestible protein foods containing the amino acid tryptophan. This amino acid turns the body into melatonin and serotonin - substances that lead to stress relief and induce sleep. Tryptophan takes time to break down from food, to be absorbed into the blood and to reach the brain and become these substances, so it is essential to eat foods containing tryptophan, not near sleep. Sample foods containing tryptophan are tofu, soy, egg, tuna, and various dairy products.
2. Calcium: Calcium also affects our sleep. It turns out that the known grandmother drug of a glass of hot milk before bedtime is a particularly useful drug. Calcium is a necessary material for converting tryptophan to the sleeping hormone melatonin. Studies have shown that calcium deficiency is linked to sleep disorders. Therefore, the consumption of a glass of warm milk that is rich in calcium, especially if served in a warm temperature that calms the body, can lead to a positive effect on healthy and quality sleep.
3. Complex carbohydrates: Also, recommended that the meal contain complex carbohydrates, which will also provide continuous energy for the night hours, and will encourage the secretion of insulin that helps tryptophan from blood to the brain, and become hormones of relaxation and sleep.
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Examples of better sleep dinners
1. A small pasta plate with cheese or tuna cubes and a few vegetables. A slice of wholemeal bread with cheese, egg or tuna, plus a little green vegetable - it is essential to pay attention to the amount that is small and satisfying but not heavy.
2. Oatmeal or yogurt with fruit.
3. It is also recommended to drink chamomile tea, which is known to soothe the body and reduce the degree of arousal.
The effect of sleep on eating: When the body "steals" energy
The primary function of sleep is to allow the body's systems to rest, regenerate and mainly recharge themselves before another day of activity. But in many cases, people do not get a few hours of proper sleep or quality sleep. In such situations, the body wakes up in the mornings into a state of fatigue. Sometimes we will feel this fatigue as soon as we get out of bed, and sometimes we will handle it only later in the day.
In any case, where you do not sleep well enough, our body will try to achieve a rest or energetic
claim by other means. Some will be more attentive to their bodies, "flow with the body,"
and allow themselves to take a nap in the middle of the day.
But in other cases, when sleep is not allowed in the middle of the day or when the body's signs
of fatigue are not enough, and the body or brain is so active, they will have to get their charge
"surreptitiously" by sending messages of feeling hungry.
When we eat, we put calories into the body, and calories are energy.
However, this is not the kind of power our body needs during fatigue, and this eating,
which does not come from listening to the body, is usually done in one of two ways:
1. Snacking on foods (typically high-calorie) throughout the day - snacking.
2. Eating an entire meal, usually too large and superfluous, and is followed by a sense of heaviness and heaviness.
These two forms of body loading express excessive energy consumption, beyond what the body needs, and therefore lead to unnecessary obesity.
Only stopping the crazy race of life, listening to physical and emotional sensations and, perhaps more importantly, prioritizing our "selves" over life's intensive tasks will lead to an understanding of the body's real needs and taking action to meet its needs in a way that will benefit it. The obvious example of such a move is, of course, giving real rest to the body that cries out tiredness.
However, it is clear that the pace of life does not always allow for such an ideal stop, and therefore we should also talk about ways to deal with fatigue that does not include eating and gaining weight.
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Ways to load the body tired with energy - without food
Drink: When we drink a hot drink or a cold drink like a glass of cold water (each one that drinks it more), we increase the volume of fluids in the body and stimulate blood flow to all the organs, especially the brain. These processes allow for a slight awakening, an improvement in cognitive ability and a sense of vitality in the body.
Wash the face: How simple, easy and efficient. There is nothing like touching cold water on the face with a slight patting to stimulate the blood flow in the face.
Fast Shower: If you work at home, or have the option of turning a few minutes into a quick shower, this is a great solution that awakens your entire body.
Air and light: Open all blinds and windows in your work environment. The penetration of light and fresh air improves our sense of alertness.
Walk: Take a few minutes' walk - changing places, walking and breathing fresh air are an excellent solution for both physical and mental awakening.
Sing and laugh: Put on a YouTube song that you like, or a piece of a skit that makes you smile. These will undoubtedly stir you up and leave them with a taste of more.
How does lack of sleep affect the physiology of the body?
Lack of sleep disrupts the hormonal balance in our body, leading to metabolic disorders. The hormonal balance is crucial to balance hunger and satiety and to build and break fat and muscle tissues.
According to the laws of nature, we are supposed to go to sleep when darkness descends, and get up when the sun shines. But over the years, our hours of sleep have changed according to many factors, and mostly to our detriment.
Many studies show that people who do not have regular, high-quality sleep or "right" dark hours, such as shift workers, tend to suffer more from obesity and metabolic diseases such as diabetes and hypertension. The main reason for this is that lack of sleep disrupts metabolism and balances blood sugar levels.
The disorder manifested in the increased presence of levels of the hormone ghrelin in the blood - the hunger hormone (increased production during lack of sleep, leading to overeating), decreased body sensitivity to glucose and increased production of stress hormone cortisol.
Also, at particular hours of the night, there is an increase in the secretion of hormones, including growth hormone, which is responsible for fat burning.
So even if you do not come to the ideal, try to maintain seven good hours of sleep during the dark hours, as many nights a week as possible, and you can see how you're quality of life changes - and your weight.
Love and peace,