Weight Loss For Women Over 30
3 Problem Foods That Must Not Be On Your Diet Plan

Do you feel like the efforts you’re putting into your diet plan is not producing the desired result?
So many people are caught in this same web. They undergo tough workouts, stick to their diet plan, but the result is nothing significant. They had high hope, but they seem to be giving up as the day counts.
Why This?
Most times, what counts is not the motivation or effort put into it, but the foods they have in their diets may not be appropriate.
No doubt, the diet business is highly lucrative and in a bid to have a wide market capital, every producer tag their products ‘healthy’, even when they are not.
What Items Make Up The Unhealthy Food List?
These are 3 main foods you have to get out of your diet plan right away
1. Fruit Flavored Yogurt
This food is common among dieters. Unfortunately, they do not see these little ‘sugar bombs’ for what they truly are.
These yogurt packs lose their healthiness day by day; gradually losing their ol' time repute as a handy diet option. So, before you pick up your next yogurt, be sure of the sugar level.
Surprisingly, you may discover there are up to over 15g of sugar/serving. While there are several sugar-free options you can opt for, they may contain unwanted sweeteners, which is very unhealthy for you. Greek yogurt would come as a great replacement. And most interestingly, you could add flavor to taste with just a hand of fresh berries.
2. Fat-Free Products
If it’s labeled "Fat Free" then you had better beware. Although, their claim of being fat-free would be true anyway…
but have you ever wondered what remains if they claim there are no fats? In most cases, the fatty ingredient is simply replaced with something as unhealthy.
That often means loads of sugar
Do you plan to cut down your body fat? Sugar is worse off- Even worse than fat…
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3. Protein Bars
The worse food you want to have on your diet is protein bar; whereas, it is a major ingredient in several dietary programs.
While the presence of protein in these bars makes it seem like a great option, you really have to take a closer look.
Take another look at the sugar content. In most protein bars, there are nothing less than 15 grams of sugar per bar. Worse still, some has as high as 30g or even 40g per bar.
These are, in the real sense, overhyped bars. There are several healthier low-sugar bars, with nothing more than 5g per bar.
Love and peace,
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